Thursday, December 20, 2007

Great news and thank you

To all of you who sent me positive encouraging notes, I sincerely appreciate it! All is well - nothing serious and thank God! Whew!!
It has been one full week since I've been back to full strength minus any fatigue; except for a nasty head cold and cough, I am doing great.
I will commence my plan come Jan 01/2008 and I've taken the time off to get my plan together.

I've named it the 40-day transformation plan - why? besides many events in life that was accomplished in 40 days, I got my inspiration from watching a reality show called "kids nation". These kids were away from their parents for 40 days, and lived unsupervised by adults for that period, and did a fantastic job.

I'll get more into detail about this later, but for now let me commend all those who have created and following through on their own fitness challenges. There is a such a rush that comes from not just challenging oneself, but finishing the challenge with definite results.

Keep moving and thanks again!

6 comments: said...

yay! glad to hear your doing ok! welcome back... :)

Otter Christy said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better. Hope the cold heals soon. I think its a great idea to give yourself a break. Health scares are VERY stressful, add in the holidays (plus the job is still new), and that's a lot to deal with. Rest is a vital part of good health. Very glad to hear you'll be returning in the New Year. I'll be waiting for your return!

Marbella said...

Hi Diane!
Wonderful to have you back. We missed you. Wanted to mention that if you haven´t see Lilla´s blog, do check out her new Clothes use something too little to get into by March 21st. I´m doing my picture tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I am glad it was nothing serious. i, too, have been fighting a cold this past whole week. 'tis the season for colds! looking forward to your 40 day challenge.

Michael said...

Diane, so happy it was nothing serious! Have a great Christmas!

Unknown said...

To all you fine people - thanks for your kind encouraging words.