Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Concentrating on Day 18/9

Last night was all out cardio and sit-ups but never got to the sit-ups part as I was too exhausted after my 25 min of HIT running session. My condo was way too hot to attempt sit-ups prior as I get the sun from 2pm to its setting.
The cardio was wicked as I started on speed 3 miles and worked my way up to speed 4 at zero level. Seeing that I've been doing more stair climbing, this speed is all I can handle for week I'll increase the speed and level.
Tonight I'll be working on full body strength training for 30 min with 5 min of sit-ups.
Nutritional plan, attitude and visualization is on track!
I'm noticing my right arm is starting to tone and look as good as my left - why is it our dominant hand (I'm left handed) always looks more toned etc than the right? Thoughts on this is welcome.
My main focus now is to do whatever it takes to shed this fat and that simply means that my focus on nutritional meals every 2 hours is key to my success.
On my low carb days I'm going to concentrate on lifting and sit-ups, and on my carb loading day it will be all out cardio.
So for the next 3 weeks - it will be 2 on 1 off in carb cycling and 2 on lifting and 1 on cardio.
Alright, until tomorrow...stay the course and don't quit!

1 comment:

Michael said...

Interesting approach on how you are scheduling your workouts around low and high carb days, but it is the opposite of what we generally hear is best. I will be very interested in your feedback on how it goes as I am all for trying different things. Great job and keep staying motivated!