Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Game is so on Day 64-120

Today, I was back at it - went to bed at 8pm last night and was wide awake at 3:30 - not sure what's going on, but here we are. Completed an intense upper body work, then went for a 20 min HITT. I've noticed that since last Saturday I've been eating less because I lack sleep and find I've no appetite; just want to drink lots of liquids. I'm working on making sure I eat my ample supply of protein and veggie juicing.
Tomorrow is another day that gets me closer to my goal.
I tried on my pants and they fit - pics will be posted on Sun- away for the week-end so no pics will be posted Fri and Sat of this week.
OK, night!


angie nicholas said...

your doing great. I fit into pants yesterday that I haven't worn since my second trimester of pregnancy. AM happy to now have three pairs of pants that Fit

Unknown said...

that is awesome Angie...will be stopping by your blog in a sec.