Friday, April 4, 2008

Discoveries, Awareness and new challenges after 12 days...

My discoveries this week:
I'm more alert and have way more energy when my food intake comprises of more salads, vegetables, fruit and protein.
I'm sluggish when my diet lacks the above and contains more carbs that are derived from other food groups.
A lack of sufficient wholesome food in my fridge and pre-preparation of food plans for the week is a sure indication that my eating will not 100% effective.
Awakened Awareness:
Due to being more alert as a result of the proper consumption of wholesome foods, my concentration is longer, more focused, my thoughts more positive, and my drive is intensifying.
My new challenges:
As of this Sunday I will be consuming carbs that are only derived from wholesome foods - b.rice/sweet potato/quick oats/veggies and fruit until my 30 challenge is fulfilled.
This week I did not fulfill my workout commitment - only did 4 days.
Nevertheless, I will keep reaching and moving towards my finish line and you do the same!


Marbella said...

Hey Diane,
You are doing so well, and love the new way of eating. If you can do that, you will surely notice a big push. Will be wishing you all the best. Keep it going.

Otter Christy said...

As always, Diane, you are so right. My fridge ran low and my healthy eating went a little wonky as a result. I like the way you put it too "not 100% effective." I haven't had a sweet potato in over a year! They don't have them on the island I was on. I'm putting that on my shopping list right now.