Saturday, June 7, 2008

Reminder of what defines a person and Spagetti Squash

After reading Lillia's blog post; as she honestly discloses where she's at, it reminds me that ever so often when we personally find ourselves in that place, or can relate with another who is in that place - we need to stop and re-evaluate what defines us as individuals! Putting this into perspective will bring clarity to the stress in our lives, cause us to see the whole picture and get us back into living this gift call LIFE!
If missing a workout or screwing up on our eating plan depresses us, then we need to sort some things out.
If we find ourselves at a place where we become obsess with only what our bodies look like, and give little or no attention to the soul, relationships, and fulfilling other goals that will help others besides yourself, then we need to stop and refocus.
Really, what defines you as a person?
Today was a brutal 40 min of full body weight training - after attending to my household chores.
I've just completed my breakfast...really lunch.
I've rediscovered spaghetti squash - if you have never tried it, let me suggest you do so...cut it is half, remove seeds, rub a bit of oil and sprinkle black pepper in it and bake it in the oven for 60-70min face down at 350.
Once its cool enough to handle, scoop in out, it is stringy and can be use instead of pasta or served to replace your rice or is tasty.
OK, follow your heart and do your best for today!!


Marbella said...

Such a good post today DIANE. Loved it. I too was very impressed with Lilla´s post today and worry about her. She´s so smart that know she can figure out the best road to take. I usually don´t get all up in arms about things, but find that am taking things easier with this weightloss and all now. Now am shoothing for good health, maybe a little weight loss, but definitely more strength. I wish all that for you too. Take care, and all Godspeed Diane!
(Have never seen a spagetti squash, but they look wonderful)

Marbella said...

Am back Diane to tell you to check out Mike Groom´s blog tonite. You are in his spotlight as well you should be!
Lynda said...

Great post Diane - sometimes all we need is to step back and get a little perspective of what's truly important to us.

p.s. I love spaghetti squash!

Debbie said...

So true that we should think of what truly defines us as an individual.

I love spaghetti squash too but haven't had it in a while. Note to self to add it to my shopping list.