Sunday, July 6, 2008

Day 15/6 of Part III - Food over Exercise

Protein pancakes for breakfast and snacks

Peppers and cucumbers for snacking

Hard Boiled Eggs, apricots, kiwis and peaches for snacks

BBQ chicken breast and stir fry melody mix with asparagus

Spaghetti squash and mashed carrots with parsnip (still frozen)

Girl friends for 20 years - hanging out on Friday night
I was away from home over the week-end and I wasn't planning on getting back so late so I had a decision to make. Sacrifice exercise to grocery shop and prepare my meals for the week...I choose food! In my books, it is the wisest choice as doing this will empower and enable me to obtain excellent results. I will be kicking it up a notch in my exercise programs this week Mon-Sat) so I figure that the best thing I could do is to get my meals together.
There you got a glimpse of what my diet will consists of this week, with only one more addition - dinners...will share on that tomorrow. Another form of snack that will be added there is almonds
The protein pancakes have no sugars or processed foods - all natural with walnuts, bananas, egg whites, quick oats, nutmeg, almond extract and 1 tsp baking powder.
Met with some gal friends who I've known for 20 years for dinner and catch up time.
My workout this week will consists of the same as last week - full body strength training with added cardio sessions.
Here's to a super successful week! Come on, push a bit know you want it, and you can so do it!

1 comment:

Mike Groom said...

very motivating post Diane. Thanks!