Monday, January 5, 2009

I'm off on day 80 of 120

It never fails; when you plan to get moving obstacles seems to appear out of no where to persuade you otherwise. However, if your mind was already in gear then you will politely say no to the other tempting offers, and hit the weights.
I did just that todday; hey I wasn't about to forfeit my first day back into this last leg of my leanness journey.
Today was upper and I concentrated on my shoulders, triceps and biceps...I had my timer set for 32 min, but by 30 I just could not lift another, so I clocked out at 30 min.
Then it was time for the stairs - 45 min and 6x22FS later my legs were jelly, but elated because I stuck with it.
Alright, time to get some studying done!
Remember, it can be done!


angie nicholas said...

good for you for sticking to it. I didn't get all my scheduled workouts in ( baby issues) but I did do lots and lots of walking today I have the steps to prove it. will do better tomorrow. good luck with the rest of your journey. I am hoping to learn by example. Angie

Debbie said...

Hi Diane, sending you good luck vibes as you continue on your leanness journey!