Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fresh Fire and Focus

I’m not sure what happened…well a number of things was working throughout the week to get me to this point. The point of “fire and focus”! Since returning from Guyana I have been struggling to resettle into my routine workouts and it was beginning to frustrate me.
A few things I needed to get back into doing was – create a plan to follow (I achieve best results by following a plan), and find a fitness challenge to get me moving.

Thank God for good friends – was speaking to Cynthia last night and she reminded me that last year this time/Oct I started my lean out program and stuck with it to my photo shoot. I also realized that what you feed grows and what you don’t feed die! That is another post for another day. I awoke early to get in a leg work and hit the stairs in my building to complete 22 stairs twice.

What is my next fitness goal? Cutting, one word, one focus, one purpose and why you ask? To compete in the Fame 2010 Body Proud competition in March.
OK, on the hunt for a FT to help me…will keep you posted and picture posting begins on Sunday.
To a sweet day and remember, discipline people succeed!

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